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Diets – Pros Cons and Tips

Pros and Cons

The question is: Do online programs work? The answer is, “yes.” Do they work better than face-to-face? As my grandfather used to say, “irrelevant and immaterial.” Face-to-face programs work. works. One may be better for one person, another better for the other.

What sets face-to-face and online programs apart is the “face” factor. Online does not duplicate the actual human contact: for some, the eye contact and in-person connection is necessary. But for other people, that’s what makes online better.

For some, online is the answer to their prayers; it’s anonymous, convenient and affordable compared to meeting weekly with a dietitian or therapist. We work very hard to make the experience as “real life” as possible… and that’s what sets us apart from all the other online programs.

Creating such a comprehensive support structure and community for members has not been easy — we’ve devoted countless man-hours and resources to this development. We’ve attempted to create many of the ingredients online that make face-to-face work, and eDiets’ advantage is that we’re able to use the latest technology to provide members with some of the coolest tools available on the internet.


Letting yourself get too hungry between meals is counterproductive to your weight loss efforts. You’ll simply be tempted to overeat when mealtime comes. That’s why The Sonoma Diet allows snacking. But like most things, snacking is more restricted during Wave 1 than it is during the rest of the diet. Between lunch and dinner, or between breakfast and lunch, you may have a small snack to tide you over. When you get to Wave 2, there will be plenty of possibilities. On Wave 1 there is one — a Tier 1 vegetable. We allow an exception: If you’re a bigger man, or if you are a woman or man who leads a very physically active life with plenty of exercise, you can expand your snack menu a bit. Here are some possibilities:

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