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Xanax Withdrawal

Xanax withdrawal symptoms are severe, but there are also benefits to taking Xanax. Xanax is a triazolo-benzodiazepine that is frequently used as an anti-anxiety medication. It is often prescribed for its anti-panic and anti-depressant effects. Although Xanax have is very successful in relieving anxiety disorder, when used on a ongoing basis it creates physiological dependence with severe withdrawal symptoms.

Xanax withdrawal symptoms are a function of both dose and duration of usage. Higher doses generally induce more rapid physiologic addiction than lower doses. The time taken by a body to show withdrawal symptoms may range from 4 to 6 months at dosages between 2 mg. to 4 mg. Previous addiction to Xanax can cause addiction to develop more rapidly over a shorter period of time, with more intense withdrawal symptoms.

Xanax withdrawal symptoms arrive and accelerate rapidly because of being a short-acting agent. It produces severe Dysphoria approximately six hours after the last dose and generally hits the highest level at about 24 to 72 hours after discontinuation. Therefore, after Xanax generates the physiologic dependence, the patients’ ability to stop using it on their own is very low. Medical support is required under these conditions.

Xanax withdrawal symptoms may manifest themselves with a panic attack and a bereavement-like emotional instability. Since the symptoms are internal the diagnosis and cure is very difficult. Patients usually have trouble describing verbally what is happening to them. Many of the descriptions resemble the emotional or psychiatric condition for which they initially began taking Xanax. this similarity leaves the dilemma of interpreting that as a withdrawal symptom. However, Xanax withdrawal symptoms can be easily identified through some of the more defining features.

Xanax withdrawal symptoms begin with a sense of anxiety and apprehension, combined with rising tremor feelings and slight bi-frontal headaches. This stage quickly develops to feelings of panic-like anxiety with palpitations. The patient also begins to experience de-realization, together with marked startle response and increased sensory input.

Xanax withdrawal symptoms progress to the point where patients gets marked disturbance of proprioception, in which he feels dizzy and erratic. One finds simple actions, such as swallowing, signing one’s name, speaking or even buttoning a shirt extremely difficult.

Xanax withdrawal can cause one to suddenly begin crying or to begin shivering out of fear without any external event. These frequent consequences cause the patient to feel weak emotionally like bereavement & they frequently describe painful emotions. Due to feelings of amplified sensory inputs, one may experience strange misinterpretations ranging from feeling one’s teeth rotating in their sockets to parts of their bodies falling off.

Xanax withdrawal symptom advance even more to include illusions and hallucinations. These hallucinations begin with patterns and geometric shapes, but they later progress into full-formed complex visual hallucinations. Sometimes, at this stage, people under withdrawal symptoms can have delusions of bodily dysfunction. One may feel as if he is having a nervous breakdown, or going insane in an attempt to understand what is happening.

As Xanax withdrawal progress further, disorientation to person gets replaced with full delirium. Eventually withdrawal ends up at major motor seizure activity. The last triad of symptoms combining hallucination, delirium and seizure are classified as major Xanax withdrawal symptoms.

Most cases end-up having withdrawal symptoms for at least several months. Medical documentation reveals that it can take six months to two years to resolve Xanax withdrawal symptoms.

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